The Ghoulies Campaign
- Set in the 1980s and beginning in New York City, this campaign revolves around the antics of several ghouls who find themselves given one last chance before final death by the kindred community.
- MJ
Chronicle Status
- In Progress
Player Characters
- Jules Kiss
- Nathan O'Brien
- Elisa Saint-John
- Jean-Michel Fortner
- Curtis Haskell Culpepper
and one more...
Notable NPCs
- Mr Gryaz, the group's watcher
- Lisbet
- Maddie Sonne
- Dr K
- Denim Badass
- Emily "Queenie" Birch
- Cheerio Joe
- All 80s NPCs
- The Freak
New Amsterdam Campaign
- In the earliest days of New York, ancient and weary kindred stalk the muddy streets looking for blood.
- Connor
Chronicle Status
- Completed.
Player Characters
- Giancarlo
- Rianne
- Justify
- László Kiss
- Heinrich Kemmler
Inactive Player Characters
- Viggo
- Grouse
Notable NPCs
- Sandre
- Dante
- Isabella
- Bekkers, Colony Undersecretary
- The Watchmen, hunters
Call of Cthulhu conversion of New World of Darkness
Character Creation
- Abilities Point-Buy & Statistics
- Skills and Specialties
- Combat Skills and Other Combat Rules
- Income and Credit Rating
- Merits & Flaws
- Fighting Style Merits
- Common Disciplines
- Clan Disciplines
- XP Costs and Character Advancement
- Blood Points Tracking vitae.
- Creatures and Baddies Converted information for npcs
- Adjusted Combat Rules
- Player Characters
- NPCs
- House Rules
- Unique Art and Comics
Cairo Campaign
- Cairo, Egypt in 2011.
- Chris
- Mandi
Chronicle Status
- Completed
Player Characters
- Devon Hollant
- Dr. Evan Kinde
- Guillaume Arnaud Valjean Dantès Hohenstaufen-Fortaner du Arles
- Madison Kinde
- Rava Dimir
Notable NPCs
- Ivrah, Prince of Cairo
- Coterie Leader, Mahdi
- David Mooreland, Mahdi's Sire
- Carlotta, coterie paladin
- Teague, coterie priest
- Hypatia, displaced mystic
- Babycakes, Madison's ghoul
- Li, Evan's Sire
- Duval, Madison's Sire
- Elaana, Changeling
- Anong, Li's sire
- Ur-Shaalemma
- Ur-Elkolech
- Lag-Remibti
- Wurm